Shifty shafts gem location
Shifty shafts gem location

shifty shafts gem location

  • Gem fragment location 5: In the northern part of the map, in the hedge maze.
  • Gem fragment location 4: The lake west of Coney Crossroads, on the island at the center, by the large trees.
  • shifty shafts gem location shifty shafts gem location

  • Gem fragment location 3: Northwest of Greasy Grove and southeast of Camp Cuddle, up on the cabin lodge.
  • Gem fragment location 2: South of Greasy Grove, up on the power lines looking over the town.
  • Gem fragment location 1: At the wind turbines on the southwest island.
  • Excavate gem fragment 8: Northwest of Sanctuary, on the shore of the small lily pad lake.
  • Excavate gem fragment 7: Southeast of the Daily Bugle, at the power station building, just outside the perimeter.
  • Excavate gem fragment 6: North of Shifty Shafts up the mountain.
  • The dirt mound is located between a couple rocks.
  • Excavate gem fragment 5: Up the mountain west of the northwest Seven base.
  • The dirt mound is under a stilt shack up on a hill off the road.
  • Excavate gem fragment 4: In the mountain region northeast of Camp Cuddle.
  • The dirt mound is just off the road, directly east of the gas station.
  • Excavate gem fragment 3: Southeast of Cuddle Camp and North of Greasy Grove, follow the road to the gas station west of the river.
  • Look for a large tree and a fence funneling towards a path.
  • Excavate gem fragment 2: Northwest of Rocky Reels, just off the right side of the road when it crosses the river and turns left.

    Look to the right by the small patch of cacti, and find the gem fragment nearby. Excavate gem fragment 1: Northwest of Condo Canyon, ride up the zipline to the small mesa.Thankfully, there's still a telltale blue glow above each one when you get closer. These gem fragments are buried beneath the dirt of the Fortnite island. Gem fragment location 10: At Greasy Grove, outside the taco restaurant.Įxcavate gem fragments inside dirt mounds.Gem fragment location 9: At Rocky Reels, sitting on top of a large rock.Gem fragment location 8: At Condo Canyon, on the northeast side of town, you'll find the gem fragment propped up on a rock spire formation by the river.Gem fragment location 7: At the Joneses, by the overturned blue boat.Gem fragment location 6: The south end of Sanctuary, you'll find the gem fragment in an irrigation pool of water.Gem fragment location 5: At the intersection of Coney Crossroads.Gem fragment location 4: At the Daily Bugle's north side, resting on a large stone column that you can easily get to via a zipline rope.Gem fragment location 3: At Sleepy Sound, right outside the Fish Sticks restaurant.Gem fragment location 2: At Shifty Shafts, in the northwest part of the area, sitting out in the open near an entrance.The gem fragment is surrounded by log piles. Gem fragment location 1: Logjam Lumberyard, head to where the "A" in "logjam" is on the minimap.Vault gem fragment location 7: A ways northeast of the Daily Bugle, you'll find a Seven base in a grouping of trees.On the southern island, you'll see another Seven base. Vault gem fragment location 6: In the eastern bay, directly east of the Foundation statue.Head into the circular building and downstairs.

    shifty shafts gem location

    You'll find a Seven base near the south cliff. Vault gem fragment location 5: South of Condo Canyon.Head into the lower building and downstairs. Vault gem fragment location 4: The Seven base southwest of Coney Crossroads.Head into the building on the right and downstairs. Vault gem fragment location 3: The Seven base on top of the mountain northwest of Logjam Lumberyard.Head inside the main building and walk down one flight of stairs. Vault gem fragment location 2: Southwest of Greasy Grove, you'll find a Seven outpost.Go to the main building and head downstairs. Vault gem fragment location 1: North of Camp Cuddle, across the twisty river.

    Shifty shafts gem location